Analytics with smart arrays: adaptive and efficient language-independent data

Analytics with smart arrays: adaptive and efficient language-independent data Psaroudakis et al., EuroSys'18 (If you don’t have ACM Digital Library access, the paper can be accessed either by following the link above directly from The Morning Paper blog site). We’re going lower-level today, with a look at some work on adaptive data structures by Oracle. ... Continue Reading

SmoothOperator: reducing power fragmentation and improving power utilization in large-scale datacenters

SmoothOperator: reducing power fragmentation and improving power utilization in large-scale datacenters Hsu et al., ASPLOS'18 What do you do when your theory of constraints analysis reveals that power has become your major limiting factor? That is, you can’t add more servers to your existing datacenter(s) without blowing your power budget, and you don’t want to ... Continue Reading

The architectural implications of autonomous driving: constraints and acceleration

The architectural implications of autonomous driving: constraints and acceleration Lin et al., ASPLOS'18 Today’s paper is another example of complementing CPUs with GPUs, FPGAs, and ASICs in order to build a system with the desired performance. In this instance, the challenge is to build an autonomous self-driving car! Architecting autonomous driving systems is particularly challenging ... Continue Reading

Darwin: a genomics co-processor provides up to 15,000x acceleration on long read assembly

Darwin: a genomics co-processor provides up to 15,000x acceleration on long read assembly Turakhia et al., ASPLOS'18 With the slow demise of Moore’s law, hardware accelerators are needed to meet the rapidly growing computational requirements of X. For this paper, X = genomics, and genomic data is certainly growing fast: doubling every 7 months and ... Continue Reading

KV-Direct: High-performance in-memory key-value store with programmable NIC

KV-Direct: High-performance in-memory key-value store with programmable NIC Li et al., SOSP’17 We’ve seen some pretty impressive in-memory datastores in past editions of The Morning Paper, including FaRM, RAMCloud, and DrTM. But nothing that compares with KV-Direct: With 10 programmable NIC cards in a commodity server, we achieve 1.22 billion KV operations per second, which ... Continue Reading

Towards deploying decommissioned mobile devices as cheap energy-efficient compute nodes

Towards deploying decommissioned mobile devices as cheap energy-efficient compute nodes Shahrad & Wentzlaff, HotCloud'17 I have one simple rule when it comes to selecting papers for The Morning Paper: I only cover papers that I like and find interesting. There are some papers though, that manage to generate in me a genuine feeling of excitement, ... Continue Reading