ExFaKT: a framework for explaining facts over knowledge graphs and text

ExFaKT: a framework for explaining facts over knowledge graphs and text Gad-Elrab et al., WSDM'19 Last week we took a look at Graph Neural Networks for learning with structured representations. Another kind of graph of interest for learning and inference is the knowledge graph. Knowledge Graphs (KGs) are large collections of factual triples of the ... Continue Reading

Do we need specialized graph databases? Benchmarking real-time social networking applications

Do we need specialized graph databases? Benchmarking real-time social networking applications Pacaci et al., GRADES'17 Today's paper comes from the GRADES workshop co-located with SIGMOD. The authors take an established graph data management system benchmark suite (LDBC) and run it across a variety of graph and relational stores. The findings make for very interesting reading, ... Continue Reading