Continuous online sequence learning with an unsupervised neural network model

Continuous online sequence learning with an unsupervised neural network model Cui et al., Neural Computation, 2016 Yesterday we looked at the biological inspirations for the Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) neural network model. Today’s paper demonstrates more of the inner workings, and shows how well HTM networks perform on online sequence learning tasks as compared to ... Continue Reading

Why neurons have thousands of synapses, a theory of sequence memory in neocortex

Why neurons have thousands of synapses, a theory of sequence memory in neocortex Hawkins & Ahmad, Front. Neural Circuits 2016 It all began with a fascinating lunchtime conversation with Martin Thompson (@mjpt777), who mentioned to me a thought-provoking video he’d seen online from Jeff Hawkins regarding models of behaviour in the brain. A few days ... Continue Reading

Automatic database management system tuning through large-scale machine learning

Automatic database management system tuning through large-scale machine learning Aken et al. , SIGMOD'17 Achieving good performance in DBMSs is non-trivial as they are complex systems with many tunable options that control nearly all aspects of their runtime operation. OtterTune uses machine learning informed by data gathered from previous tuning sessions to tune new DBMS ... Continue Reading

Beyond the words: predicting user personality from heterogeneous information

Beyond the words: predicting user personality from heterogeneous information Wei et al., WSDM 2017 Here's a very topical paper! You may have seen the recent Motherboard piece, "The data that turned the world upside down," describing how personality profiling was used to provide tailored messages to voters in the recent American elections. In the interest ... Continue Reading

European Union regulations on algorithmic decision making and a “right to explanation”

European Union regulations on algorithmic decision-making and a “right to explanation” Goodman & Flaxman, 2016 In just over a year, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becomes law in European member states. This paper focuses on just one particular aspect of the new law, article 22, as it relates to profiling, non-discrimination, and the right ... Continue Reading