Hotspot Patterns: The formal definition and automatic detection of architecture smells

Hotspot Patterns: The formal definition and automatic detection of architecture smells - Mo et al. International Conference on Software Architecture, 2015 Yesterday we looked at Design Rule Spaces (DRSpaces) and how some design rule spaces seem to account for large numbers of the error-prone files within a project. Today's paper brings us up to date ... Continue Reading

BigDebug: Debugging primitives for interactive big data processing in Spark

BigDebug: Debugging primitives for interactive big data processing in Spark - Gulzar et al. ICSE 2016 BigDebug provides real-time interactive debugging support for Data-Intensive Scalable Computing (DISC) systems, or more particularly, Apache Spark. It provides breakpoints, watchpoints, latency monitoring, forward and backward tracing, crash monitoring, and a real-time fix-and-resume capability. The overheads are low for ... Continue Reading

From Aristotle to Ringelmann

From Aristotle to Ringelmann: A large-scale analysis of team productivity and coordination in open-source software projects - Scholtes et al. ICSE 2016 A slightly different flavour of papers this week as we dip into the ICSE 2016 conference proceedings. We kick things off with a study looking at the effect of development team size on ... Continue Reading

Semi-supervised sequence learning

Semi-supervised sequence learning - Dai & Le, NIPS 2015. The sequence to sequence learning approach we looked at yesterday has been used for machine translation, text parsing, image captioning, video analysis, and conversational modeling. In Semi-supervised sequence learning, Dai & Le use a clever twist on the sequence-to-sequence approach to enable it to be used ... Continue Reading