Do we need specialized graph databases? Benchmarking real-time social networking applications

Do we need specialized graph databases? Benchmarking real-time social networking applications Pacaci et al., GRADES'17 Today's paper comes from the GRADES workshop co-located with SIGMOD. The authors take an established graph data management system benchmark suite (LDBC) and run it across a variety of graph and relational stores. The findings make for very interesting reading, ... Continue Reading

Azure Data Lake Store: a hyperscale distributed file service for big data analytics

Azure data lake store: a hyperscale distributed file service for big data analytics Douceur et al., SIGMOD'17 Today's paper takes us inside Microsoft Azure's distributed file service called the Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS). ADLS is the successor to an internal file system called Cosmos, and marries Cosmos semantics with HDFS, supporting both Cosmos and ... Continue Reading

Spanner: becoming a SQL system

Spanner: becoming a SQL system Bacon et al., SIGMOD'17 This week we'll start digging into some of the papers from SIGMOD'17. First up is a terrific 'update' paper on Google's Spanner which brings the story up to date in the five years since the original OSDI'12 paper. ... in many ways, today's Spanner is very ... Continue Reading