Spinning Fast Iterative Dataflows

Spinning Fast Iterative Dataflows - Ewen et al. 2012 Last week we saw how Naiad combines low-latency stream processing with iterative computation, and yesterday we looked in more detail at the Differential Dataflow model for incremental processing (needed for low-latency). The Apache Flink project also combines low-latency stream processing with support for incremental, iterative computation. ... Continue Reading

Differential Dataflow

Differential Dataflow - McSherry et al. 2013 The ability to perform complex analyses on [datasets that are constantly being updated] is very valuable; for example, each tweet published on the Twitter social network may supply new information about the community structure of the service’s users, which could be immediately exploited for real-time recommendation services or ... Continue Reading

Naiad: A Timely Dataflow System

Naiad: A Timely Dataflow System - Murray et al. 2013 Many data processing tasks require low-latency interactive access to results, iterative sub-computations, and consistent intermediate outputs so that sub-computations can be nested and composed. (For example, an) application that performs iterative processing on a real-time data stream, and supports interactive queries on a fresh, consistent ... Continue Reading

Wormhole: Reliable pub-sub to support Geo-Replicated Internet Services

Wormhole: Reliable pub-sub to support Geo-Replicated Internet Services - Sharma et al. 2015 At Facebook, lots of applications are interested in data being written to Facebook's data stores. Having each of these applications poll the data stores of interest would be untenable, so Facebook built a pub-sub system to identify updates and transmit notifications to ... Continue Reading

Photon: Fault-tolerant and scalable joining of continuous data streams

Photon: Fault-tolerant and scalable joining of continuous data streams - Google 2013 To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to formulate and solve the problem of joining multiple streams continuously under these system constraints: exactly-once semantics, fault-tolerance at datacenter-level, high scalability, low latency, unordered streams, and delayed primary stream. It's interesting ... Continue Reading