Time protection: the missing OS abstraction

Time protection: the missing OS abstraction Ge et al., EuroSys'19 Ever since the prominent emergence of timing-based microarchitectural attacks (e.g. Spectre, Meltdown, and friends) I’ve been wondering what we can do about them. When a side-channel is based on observing improved performance, a solution that removes the improved performance can work, but is clearly undesirable. ... Continue Reading

Master of web puppets: abusing web browsers for persistent and stealthy computation

Master of web puppets: abusing web browsers for persistent and stealthy computation Papadopoulus et al., NDSS'19 UPDATE 2019-04-14: An author update has been published for this paper which details that with current browser versions, ServiceWorkers can only stay alive for about a minute after the user navigates away from the site. This mitigates the main ... Continue Reading

Don’t trust the locals: investigating the prevalence of persistent client-side cross-site scripting in the wild

Don’t trust the locals: investigating the prevalence of persistent client-side cross-site scripting in the wild Steffens et al., NDSS'19 Does your web application make use of local storage? If so, then like many developers you may well be making the assumption that when you read from local storage, it will only contain the data that ... Continue Reading

Towards usable checksums: automating the integrity verification of web downloads for the masses

Towards usable checksums: automating the integrity verification of web downloads for the masses Cherubini et al., CCS'18 If you tackled Monday’s paper on BEAT you deserve something a little easier to digest today, and ‘Towards usable checksums’ fits the bill nicely! There’s some great data-driven product management going on here as the authors set out ... Continue Reading