Leases: An efficient fault-tolerant mechanism for distributed file cache consistency

Leases: An efficient fault-tolerant mechanism for distributed file cache consistency - Gray & Cheriton 1989 This paper introduced the leasing model for distributed systems. Leases are conceptually very straightforward and bring a surprising number of benefits for such a simple mechanism. Also in this paper you'll find the simple formulas that can help you figure ... Continue Reading

The Google File System

The Google File System - Ghemawat, Gobioff & Leung, 2003 Here's a paper with a lot to answer for! Back in 2003 Ghemawat et al reported that We have designed and implemented the Google File System, a scalable distributed file system for large distributed data-intensive applications. It provides fault-tolerance while running on inexpensive commodity hardware, ... Continue Reading

Improving Cloud Service Resilience using Brownout-aware Load Balancing

Improving Cloud Service Resilience using Brownout-aware Load Balancing - Klein et al 2014 This is what the previous two #themorningpaper selections have been building to. What happens when you apply brownout techniques to a set of load-balanced servers? We study how to extend the classical cloud service architecture composed of a load-balancer and replicas with ... Continue Reading

Compiler Error Notifications Revisited

Compiler Error Notifications Revisited: An interaction-first approach for helping developers more effectively comprehend and resolve error notifications - Barik et al 2014 A short and easy to read paper this morning picking up on the Debugging Reinvented theme of challenging the tools we use everyday. Error notifications and their resolutions, as presented by modern IDEs, ... Continue Reading