The Potential Dangers of Causal Consistency and an Explicit Solution

The Potential Dangers of Causal Consistency and an Explicit Solution - Bailis et al. 2012 Yesterday we saw how we could get both better performance and stronger consistency by upgrading from eventual consistency to causal consistency. Are there any downsides? With useful semantics, low latency, partition tolerance, and, recently, a demonstrably efficient architecture, causal consistency ... Continue Reading

Bolt-on Causal Consistency

Bolt-on Causal Consistency - Bailis et al. 2013 "It'll probably be OK" seems to reflect the prevailing application developer's attitude to working with eventually consistent stores. Thanks to the work of Bailis et al. on PBS, we can now quantify that 'probably.' And it looks pretty good at first glance, with 99+% probabilities achievable after ... Continue Reading